Agile Implementation for eFX

October 1, 2024

One of the world’s largest banks wanted to rollout an eFx platform to 34 countries with aggressive timelines. The bank had challenges with delivering technology projects on time and cost and time over runs were frequent. The bank engaged Brickendon consultants to set up and manage the end-to-end rollout across all the countries, train internal teams and implement systems and processes to ensure the change was imbedded across the organization to a more high performance culture.

Client Problems

The client had many challenges to ensure the rollout will be implemented smoothly, with proper
diligence and in line with business needs and regulatory requirements:
Difficulties in keeping a global programme on track. Delays and budget over runs were
“normal” and accepted.
Low levels of agile maturity across the organisation.
Lack of communication and strategic vision between development and management teams.
Resistance to change within business, development, and testing teams.
Long release cycles preventing the bank from reacting quickly to the market and industry.
Lack of accountability, with no one individual or team taking responsibility for the whole
Limited use of automation in the continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipeline.

Brickendon Solution

The client engaged Brickendon to help plan and execute the change with support of Business, IT
and Project Management teams.
Brought in a change management framework to focus on people change as well as IT change.
Restructured the organisation into pods and focused on promoting autonomous, multi-skilled
teams to take end-to-end control of the whole process from software development through
execution and into production.
Worked with the client’s internal teams to improve the agile process across the software
development cycle and employ agile and lean methodologies. Provided IT tooling and test
automation specialists to showcase the benefits of increased automation.
Organised roadshows and training sessions globally to up-skill teams and to showcase the
benefits of the agile way of working.

Client Benefits

The benefits realized after the change implementation achieved all the defined outcomes within
the timeframe and budget:
After a cautious start, the project started to deliver at a faster rate and all teams to see the
benefits of the implementation. (Business Team – faster time to market happier clients, IT and
Testing teams – reduced software issues reducing stress and increased work satisfaction.)
The culture of the organisation changed after 6 months to a more high performance
accountable organisation.
Increased number of software releases – 45% increase during the project and is ongoing.
Decreased software incidents – 43% decrease during the project and is ongoing.
Engaged Team built – one single, multi-skilled and accountable team.
Increased employee satisfaction and engagement.
Faster, smaller and safer releases of software into the production environment.