Why change fails – Part 2 of 3: Process

December 14, 2015

This is the second in a series of three articles published in our Brickendon Journals. The articles explore some of the underlying patterns associated with change failure by looking at the problem from three distinct perspectives – people, process and technology. For the first article click https://btcwebdev.wpengine.com/?post_type=article&p=5484  The third will appear in the first journal of 2016.

After having examined the people aspect, we are now looking at the process-driven reasons for change failure. As with the opening article, this isn’t going to be an encyclopaedic view of change failure examples, but rather a perspective on some of the underlying patterns and how they contribute to the lack of change success we unfortunately see in many programmes today.

One of the primary process-driven reasons for change failure, and often no small amount of friction between different parties, is the Software Development Lifecycle. Of course, that may be no great surprise to many of you… but the reason for it may not be what you expect.

There are many different types of methodologies from Traditional Waterfall, through Incremental Waterfall and Iterative Agile, to Incremental Agile – each with its different characteristics, application and mind-set.

Given recent developments, it’s also worth touching on a few particular areas that add new perspectives and benefits to the more traditional process views above, both of which aim to build on the Agile philosophy and scale it to the enterprise – DevOps and DAD.

Much time, effort and pain is often rooted in heated debate around which of these methodologies is most appropriate, particularly within the middle-ground: Iterative Waterfall vs. Iterative Agile. But whatever you choose to use, and however long you’ve been using it, the question to ask is how well are you doing it?

Typical symptoms of poorly implemented methodologies are numerous, but most commonly include:



Do any of these symptoms sound familiar? Are questions being asked around whether the most appropriate methodology is being used within your organisation? Perhaps you need to be asking a different question.

It’s not so much the selection of the methodology that needs to be questioned, as that is often rooted in technology momentum, company character, personalities, market trends and CV building – and of course available skills of current staff. Rather it’s a question of quality. No matter what the choice of methodology, is it being well implemented?

So what does “good process” look like? Well, any successful enterprise-level change process needs a clear understanding of what “complete” looks like, provides clear measures of progress towards “complete”, identifies and removes any risks that could prevent the programme reaching “complete”, and guarantees timely corrective actions and decisions to maintain progress towards “complete”.

In short, the vital thing with process (although some will suit certain situations better than others) is less the actual choice, and more the quality and rigour with which it is implemented.

Sloppy process leads to failure… whatever the process.